
Angela Marie | Broken Vows Excerpt | Writing links | poems | Short Story Collection

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I wish I was a Bird
Flying oh so very high
I wish I was a Dog
So i never had to cry
I wish I was a fish
Who never had to care
I wish I was a Dove
Make it two, a Pair
I wish I was Popular
Even for one day
I wish I was a Cow
Rolling around in Hay
One day I will not wish to be
All these things, one day I will
wish that i could just be me

Love is In the Air

I Can Feel It Everywhere

Cupids arrow has taken aim

Nothing seems to be the same

Dont know how I got this way

All I know is I hope it here to stay

The love I feel is so real

What I wouldnt give to touch you and feel

We are separated by miles and miles

We can only see each other threw icq files

Someday we will be together

This way we will stay forever

I look at your photo each and every day

Awaiting the time when you will come my way

So we can share this love so dear

So we can show that we both have nothing to fear

We have met in so many different places

We have shared each other in so many spaces

That I know that this love is for real

I am waiting the day when we can both show how we feel

The thought of meeting you so soon

Have gotten my hormones in full bloom

Until this time I will cherish

The very thought of a hopeful marriage

Because I know in my heart that once we are together

We will stay that way forever!

Steeple Hill Love Inspired Steeple Hill Love Inspired

This month's books from Steeple Hill Love Inspired

Last updated on 9/30/2002, 3:23:38 AM

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